Tickets are available for purchase
Hotel deals are now available with two nearby hotels. In past years, these deals have sold out.
The early talk submission deadline is Monday March 17. Submit your talk proposal to ensure a spot on the HOPE schedule.
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HOPE_16 invites submissions for speakers, panels, workshops, villages, performances, vendors, installations, and exhibitions.
If you have something to say, or skills to share, get your proposal submitted as soon as possible so you can be part of the conference program.
You can help make HOPE_16 happen. People like you help keep HOPE affordable by volunteering time and expertise. Volunteer opportunities exist across all conference areas, and HOPE welcomes people of all skill levels. Find out more on the volunteer page.
BUT WAIT! How is this possible? HOPE has traditionally only taken place on even-numbered years, with the sole exception being Beyond HOPE in 1997.
THINGS HAVE CHANGED. It's finally time to make HOPE an annual event!
HOPE_16 is a welcoming place for hackers of all types: makers, artists, educators, experimenters, tinkerers, and more! If you're interested in playing with technology, coming up with new ideas, learning from others, and sharing your knowledge, then this is the place for you!
HOPE_16 is an all-ages event with at least four speaker tracks, a whole bunch of workshops, awesome vendors, and fun activities throughout the entire weekend. This will all take place in a unique campus environment accessible by mass transit and offering free parking. On- and off-campus housing options are available, with surprisingly low prices.